Healthy Habits Made Simple

Using the power of healthy habits and small, but effective, lifestyle changes for a total mind and body transformation



"You don't decide your future; you decide your habits and your habits decide your future"

Who is this for?

There's no denying that calorie balance is the largest single factor affecting bodyweight. But calorie balance is a lot more than simply weighing your Rice Krispies and using an app.

Calorie balance is determined by the quality and quantity of everything you put in your mouth, the sum of all your activity, your daily habits, your ability to control all your hormonal urges and the health and function of the system—your metabolism.

If you've tried simply counting calories and it just doesn't seem to "work"; if you've tried every diet under the sun and can't understand why you can never get anything to stick; or if you want to learn how healthy eating and healthy habits can give you a leaner, healthier, happier body then this is for you.

I've been with Bootcamp for 1 1/2 years now and have noticed an incredible improvement in my mobility, strength and  mental health. Bruce is very knowledgeable about the body and knows exactly how you can improve it the way you want, through exercise and diet. His easy going manner and constant encouragement make it a pleasure to turn up and do what you can or work really hard.



New Here?

Here are 3 ways I can help you transform your life—building sustainable nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits

Train with me LIVE online

Discover the secret to getting fitter, stronger and leaner at home with Inverness Boot Camp

Download your free Mindful Eating ebook

For an effective method of improving your relationship with food

Transform your body and your life with private training

Even the best athletes in the world have a coach!

Take the course - Fix your habits!

Lose Weight - Cutting Calories Made Easy

This course brings you tons of proven, easy strategies you can use to help you cut calories without strict diets, pills, supplements, special drinks, or feeling deprived.

Lose Weight - Burning Calories Made Easy

Transform your body into a fit, calorie-burning machine with simple ways to burn more calories throughout your daily routines, whether you’re at home, work, or out and about.

As a woman coming up to forty I was not always consistent with health and fitness and to finally find somewhere that is teaching me how to eat well and practice moving to be healthy feels amazing. Bruce Dinsdale offers one of the best exercise and nutrition programs I have found and has the ability to motivate and inspire you to move beyond what you thought was possible.
When I joined around June 2019 my attempts to get fit were unstructured and that was one of the biggest things I needed consistency and structure.
If I had gone on my own journey with fitness then in the end I may have just given up, joining Inverness Boot Camp keeps you accountable and committed with a nice sized group of motivated individuals.
Two years on knowing what I do now and the impact it has had on my life, to make a commitment to take charge of your health is priceless.



About Bruce

Bruce Dinsdale is a Master Personal Trainer, qualified since 2011 by the European Institute of Fitness. For the last decade, he has worked with numerous clients both 1-1 and as owner, coach and chief dog's body at Inverness Boot Camp in bonny Scotland. His main focus for clients is on bodyweight training and using the "slow change" method of mastering healthy habits for nutritional confidence, long-lasting weight loss, improved mobility and functional fitness. When he's not overseeing his amazing client transformations, you'll probably find him roaming the hills and highlands of Scotland.

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An effective method of improving your relationship with food
